
The ministries are geared to equipping the individuals and the church in the life in the Kingdom of God. In each ministry every individual has to have the deep awareness that they are in the Kingdom of God. In everything we do there must be the awareness that I am in Christ, I am in the Kingdom of God and hence our behaviours, endeavours and principles are modelled by the Kingdom of God to which we ascribe to. As such each ministry is themed “Kingdom ministry”.

The Kingdom Child

This is the Children’s Ministry. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. This ministry is geared in training the children life in the Kingdom of God or life as a child of God.

The Lord Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry showed His heart for children.

Our role in this ministry is to introduce children to Jesus Christ in a manner that transforms their lives by encouraging them to develop a personal relationship with Him through prayer and a solid foundation of biblical truths. We realise that children are at their foundational stages. Deuteronomy 6:6 “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”

Demographics:  Ages 3 years – 12 years

Children are encouraged to display their gifts through singing, drama, art, etc.

Our goal in children’s ministry is two-fold with the first goal being effectiveness. We desire to be effective in meeting the needs of our children. Secondly, we desire to show the children an attainable God who can meet their needs and fill every void.

The Kingdom Youth

We are wholeheartedly committed to and involved in youth ministry. The youth ministry equips young adults to declare, communicate, and demonstrate the purpose, power, precepts, and principles of the Kingdom of God. So they can live Kingdom life styles.  This ministry is driven and filled with a powerful worship experience together with the transforming word from God, and a wonderful opportunity for young adults to fellowship. Identification, guidance and nurturing of gifts is also a key role of this ministry.

The Kingdom Family & The Kingdom Marriages

This ministry is geared toward building strong, committed death-do-us-part Kingdom marriages. Building marriages and families rooted and modeled by the Kingdom of God and thus by the Word of God.

As a church we consider and uphold the sanctity of marriage, defined as the marriage of one male to one female. We consider the family as the first cell of the church. We are, therefore, wholeheartedly committed to supporting marriages and families.

Our role is to help couples thrive in their marriage by providing empowering educational tools to enable them to nourish and cherish each other in a healthy marriage relationship. The ministry also plays a pivotal role in building successful marriages, but it will also impact children, families, the church, the community and ultimately, the world.

Couples shall learn and develop enrichment and communication skills; understanding what the Bible says about marriage; workshops/seminars and coaching sessions; annual honeymoon retreat.

The ministry targets the following groups: Premarital couples dating with intention of marriage; married couples’ relationship enrichment; couples in crisis – communication barriers, trust/betrayal, separated, etc.

Also, couples living together with children.

The Widows and the Poor

As a ministry we are committed to support the widows, orphans and the poor in the best possible way we can.

The Kingdom Business Fellowships

This is geared towards inspiring individuals and companies to build Kingdom businesses. As a ministry we are involved in giving training to aspiring entrepreneurs within the ministry, in the form of business fellowships that will enhance the passage of knowledge and skills. There is interaction with successful Christian entrepreneurs, accountants, lawyers and financiers for sharing vital knowledge for success.

The Kingdom Woman

The Kingdom woman is geared at equipping women in leading Kingdom of God lifestyles. Its focuses on relationships between women, whether it is mother to daughter, sister to sister, or friend to friend and on healthy interaction with men.  The goal is to equip, empower, involve, include, and touch, every woman in CTKM with a doctrinally sound and programmatic approach to ministry,

Kingdom Woman is designed to meet every woman at the point of her need, and also to strengthen her so that she may get to the point of her fulfilment.

The Kingdom Man

This ministry is designed to equip, empower and impart the men with The Kingdom of God truths. With the aim of getting the man to experience a deeper and richer relationship with the King of the Kingdom – Jesus Christ. The KM is geared towards raising biblically anchored man who lead their families in a Kingdom way. How to love our wives as Christ loved the Church. How to build Biblically sound relationships in our families and churches in the Kingdom way. To help each man find his rightful place in the Kingdom of God so he may serve God with fulfilment.

To develop the man into becoming a passionate disciple for Christ.